Tuesday, September 19, 2006

No Longer Using Beta


I no longer use Beta Blogger.

I decided to go back to the old kind of blogger

Please click on the "My New Blog Spot" below to see my updated posts



Friday, September 15, 2006


Nathan woke up this morning with a nasty cold. Watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing ALOT....the works! Try explaining to a 4 year old that the best thing for him is to stay home from the brand new, wonderful, amazing Junior Kindergarten class he JUST started **sigh** Poor baby.

I tried to make it appealing by telling him that I will prop him up on the couch with a cozy pillow and blanket and that he will be as snug as a bug in a rug :oD.

It worked!! YAY!

I want to get some cardio in today. I think I'll run. I've been reading up on running and have decided to follow a great (in my opinion anyway) program from a book I've been reading called "Complete Book of Running". I also want to read "Running for Dummies". Will get that on my next library visit (???).....whenever that will be (:oP). NAH!!! I'll get Tim to get it. He's better in the library than I am. Mostly because he likes them......I love books too but, MAN, the library is most boring place in the world. Must be because with 4 very young kids in toe it usually doesn't go over well. I love to go to book stores though :oD.

Well, this maman is in need of some snuggly time :o). Be back soon!

Until my next post.........................

Take care,

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Planning for the future

Well, it's been a few weeks since my last workout. I have been slacking quite a bit lately. No excuses. Good thing I've been eating properly (at best). I've been maintaining my weight loss. But, that's just not good enough. I want to fit into some of my smaller clothes by chirstmas.

I'm officially starting a brand new challenge on Monday but will be doing everything starting tomorrow. :oD

I have lots and lots to do right now but I'll continue this post later on this afternoon.

Until then..........
Take care,


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New blog

I created a new blog today. I feel like I'm in outer space with Blogger Beta. I can't comment on most people's blogs, not even my husband.

So, I decided to fix it!! From now on I will post on both. When the time comes that Beta works the way it should, I'll just use one. Until then.................this is ME too!! :oD ---->


Oh, and you can post on either one....feel free :oD.

Until my next post..........................

Take care,


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tee Hee!!

Feels great doesn't it?

Well, today consisted of laundry, cooking, cleaning, naps, and ice cream rewards. And I'm loving every minute of it!!

During my last pregnancy, I got big....no that's an understatement.....I got REAL big. I shot up to 252lbs (to be exact). I was in and out of the hospital because of complications. During the last 3 weeks, I used a dining room chair as a walker to get around the house. By that point my sciatic nerve was shot and my hips had gone out of joint. Tim had to take the last 3 weeks or so off of work because I could barely move. The pregnancy took over my body both physically and emotionally. Tim had to help me in and out of bed every day. He had to help me to sit down, stand up, and even had to squeeze my hips together as I climbed stairs. I had a horrible pregnancy! FINALLY, on April 19th 2006, I gave birth to a 10lb baby boy.

After experiencing that type of pregnancy and being almost completely bed ridden, I now have a new found appreciation for my every ability.

For example, I used to HATE washing dishes. So much so that I bought a dishwasher. Now, I find washing dishes very therapeutic (huh, never thought I would have ever been able to write those words in the same sentence). I enjoy doing laundry too. Is that weird?

Now, don't get me wrong, my laundry gets piled up most days 'cause we just can't keep on top of it when all 7 kids are here. The dishes seem to increase 3 fold on an hourly basis too. LOL But, Tim and I enjoy trying to keep up with it all.

When I have to go upstairs for something......I jog up (grinning all the way). I exercise on a daily basis. Yes, to get fit and to lose the weight, but mostly it's just because I can. It's a great feeling.

We walked to church on Sunday and all the way there, all I could think of was how wonderful it felt just to be able to take a 15 minute walk without it being a painful experience.

Ever since Alex was born I've been meaning to write about this......now I have. :oD

Until my next post......................

Take care,


Monday, September 11, 2006


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Girly Girls

Yesterday Tim brought the girls out to get their ears pierced. At the same time he got his own ear pierced (twice). I'm surprised 'cause it looks great!!! Even on Tim. lol

My little 4 year old wanted to get it done too but we decided against it. I don't know but there's something about a little 4 year old boy and a piercing that doesn't seem right. But that's just my opinion (which usually doesn't count lol).

Here's a picture of the 3 with their new piercings. Notice the "stud" with the "piercing" gaze (that's Tim's daily funny pun).

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nathan's First Day of Junior Kindergarten

This is our little Nathan on his way to Junior Kindergarten for the very first time.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Babies grow up :o(

Well, today our little Nathan started JK. It was only for an hour to meet with his teacher and also to get to know his classroom a little before the first full morning which will be tomorrow.
He was pretty confidant; especially because maman and daddy were there with him. He also had his 2 year old brother there to help him along in the play area.
All in all we think that he will have a pleasant year in JK.

This is little Nathan......

We love you scooter bum!!! :oD

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


My Cousin Ricky and his wife Sharron just had a BABY GIRL!!!
Name: Summer Daisy
Weight: 6lbs 14oz
Date: September 1st, 2006
Time: 8:30 am
Proud Parents: Ricky and Sharron

People who would like to post on my Blog

Recently the Non-Beta clients and the regular Beta clients are unable to post comments on each others blogs. That is too bad. I guess this will soon be something of the past. But until then............I found a way for people to post comments on my blog!!!!

I set up my blogger to accept everyone, not just Blogger members.

Just go to the comments section and before you post your comment, click on "other" not "blogger". Voila!!

Happy Blogging!!!

Until my next post...................

Take care,


Remember When?

When I moved to Toronto I left behind only a few people who meant something to me. The one person who I miss more than anyone is my Mom. She is the most wonderful person you could ever meet. I didn't always feel this way. She has MANY personal problems. She lashed out at us alot when we were young (to say the least), but was never too proud to say she was sorry.

It took me a long time to realize how much she really means to me. It also took a while to remember how darn funny she was. I remember wonderful times with my mom. She would be quirky and sometimes just plain odd. She couldn't sing very well, but she would scream out the tunes when she liked a song. My belly would ache from giggling so much because she would dance in the kitchen with me and twirl like a mad woman. Every time I got caught in the rain or snow storm, I would walk in the house and there would be my mom standing there with a blanket for me to warm up by the heater. Sometimes she would make weird baby voices to be silly and I would laugh thinking "I wish she could be like this all the time". We would all (me, mom, 3 other sisters) cram onto mom's bed to watch a 13" black and white TV just 'cause it was nice and cozy. She always exaggerated and embellished when she told a story. I always knew the difference, but it was so fun hearing her twist on the events.

My father left when I was just turning 4 and we haven't seen him since. She could have said many mean things about him, but, she always spoke of him with much respect. Every time I would go to the store for her she would always make it fun. She would point at the clock and say "OK, I'll time you....GO" When I would get back she would always say "Holy Moly, did you fly??" I loved the feeling I would get when she said that.

The way I see it is........I look at the person and mother who raised me and I see the person and mother she always WANTED to be. When I think of all of the wonderful things she did for me, all of the bad things just don't matter anymore.

I love my mom and I miss her so much. She is ill and is getting weaker each and every year. But I still see that twinkle in her eye when I visit. Like the look she got when she played a trick on my uncle (burned paper and put the burnt ashes in his grey hair while he was sleeping***classic***)

I love you Mom!!!!

Until my next post..................

Take care,


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Keeping it together

My heart is in a million pieces, my eyes are swollen almost shut. Thoughts pass through my mind as fast a jet. "Is he going to be OK?" "He's still so little" "Will he miss me as much as I am going to miss him?" "Have I done the best that I could do?" "What will I do without him?". As I struggle to catch my breath, he runs back into the house one last time to give me an extra hug and kiss good-bye........"I love you maman, I'm going to miss you so much". I think to myself "Yup! It's all going to be OK."

Being a Mom is a tough job. I comfort my children and try to make them feel as safe as possible. Then, in the snap of a finger, my son is comforting ME. He tells me that it will be OK and that he will call all the time. Since when is he old enough to do anything? I didn't give him permission to grow up!!!!! *sigh*

Korey left about 15 minutes ago.....I already miss him so much it physically hurts.
This is Korey's trading cards he got from playing soccer this year....He is so proud of them :o).

Until my next post............ I miss and love you so much Korey!!!!
Take care,

Friday, September 01, 2006

32 hours to go :o(

Well, my Korey Bear is leaving in 32 hours and counting. He will be leaving at around 7:30 on Sunday morning. (**sigh**)

Well, today we went to the R.O.M. (Royal Ontario Museum). Friday evenings are free so it was an awesome opportunity for the whole family to get into the city, have a picnic, and then take a tour of the museum. Sounds like a GREAT fool proof plan. Right? WRONG!!

Got to the museum and of course it was busy....VERY busy. But that was OK because that's what we expected. However, when it came to visiting the exhibit that everyone in the family wanted to see (Dinosaurs)......Come to find out that I wasn't allowed in with my double stroller. They said that I had to take out the babies and park my stroller outside of the exhibit. WHAT!!!!! Well, since there was only Tim and I and 6 kids (one 4 month old and one 2 year old to boot)....it just wasn't happening.********GRRRR If they would have mentioned on their website that strollers were not allowed in the Paleontology exhibit on busy days, we would NOT have gone.********** I had to stay behind and wait while Tim went through with a few kids. Then I was going to go through with some. WELL......I wanted to go down stairs to wait for them since the Paleontology exhibit was pretty fascinating to the kiddies so I knew it was going to be a while. Besides, I just felt so frustrated 'cause I wanted to see the look on the little ones faces during their first visit to see the "Big Dinosaurs". (sigh)

DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I WAITED FOR AN EMPTY ELEVATOR? 25 fricken minutes!!!!! Tim had time to get through the whole exhibit while I waited and waited for an empty elevator. YUP!!! Each and every time it would open up (7 times to be exact).......there would be 20 people in there (no strollers or disabled people) Just your every day LAZY people who couldn't climb down 20 stairs to get to the next floor up or down....grrrrrrr. There was no way I could fit with my babies. I was in tears when Tim found me.....sigh. So we left. 2 of the kids were a bit disappointed but we promised that they would have a great time tomorrow at the EX. It's supposed to rain (of course it is (:os) But we made alternate plans (fingers crossed) just in case. Poor littles.....I hate breaking promises but I was not in the mood to go back in there.

That was today in a nutshell. Not a great visit to the museum but we had an awesome picnic and enjoyed walking around the city. :oD

Gotta get on up to bed before I fall....lol. Until my next post........

Take care,

Went on a date

As you know.....Korey will be leaving for a whole year to live with his dad. So, like every year, Korey and I decided to go on a "Maman/Son Date" on Wednesday. We went to a great restaurant (Tucker's Market Place...mmmmmmmmmmmm) and then went to an arcade at Silver City. I haven't been to an arcade for so long that it was utterly embarrassing to play games with him. But we played many many games and OMG.....We had a BLAST!!!!! Once the $20 or so worth of tokens was gone, we went to see a movie. Barnyard was the movie of choice for Korey. Cute movie but there were a few "dark" scenes that I wasn't expecting. Then we went to one of the "cool" stores so that Korey could get a skater hat. All in all we had an amazing afternoon that took up 6 1/2 hours of our day. I loved every single moment :o).

Yesterday I finally got to meet Tim's Aunt Liz. We have been e-mailing back and forth for a couple of years now and I never did get to meet her in person. She lives in Winnipeg and hasn't been able to tear herself away from work to take a much deserved vacation. But, she finally got to come to Toronto and it was a wonderful visit. We all met at Tim's mother's house in Wasaga and enjoyed some great relaxing beach/family time.

We will be going to the EX tomorrow so I'll be updating on that soon enough.......

Gotta get my little ones to nap time. Until my next post..............

Take care,


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