Thursday, August 24, 2006

4 Down.....

Well, Tim took the 4 oldest, excluding the 14 year old, camping yesterday. They left at around 11:00am. I have been alone (so to speak) for a whole 30 hours. I have the 2 year old and the 4 month old here with me and it has been like heaven. I actually got the whole house cleaned and all of the laundry done to boot. YAY!!! With all of those positive things, I still miss the pants off of all the kiddos (and hubby of course). I find it TOO quiet.....can you believe this???? LOL

I miss them....but when I am able to clean a room and be able to return 2 hours later and not have it trashed.....I AM A HAPPY CAMPER!!! (no pun intended):oD.

I am actually bored right now....(no offense).

My little 2 year old has been doing wonderfully with his potty training. He's so smart....cutie kid. The 4 month old is rolling around from back to belly and he loves to chew on stuff. I can't wait to see that little tooth appear. Even after 4 kids I get mushy over things like that (*sigh*)

Tim called this morning and they are having such a great time that they are going to stay one more rained the whole time yesterday so he wanted to stay one more night to be able to give the kids a better experience hahaha. Oh, and they rented a campground that has a wasp nest about 30 feet away from the tent (poor littles). So, they switched the camp spot for tonight. Gonna eat smores and roast hot dogs and all that great camping stuff. YAY for them!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm gonna go colour some Blue's Clues pages with my 2 year old :oD. Ain't life grand? YES IT IS!!!

Until my next post.....

Take care,



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