Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Cardio and then some.................

Well today I did my HIIT and it was tough. I don't know why but MAN I have been having a tough time getting the drive to do them. I get them done but grrrrrr....I would rather do weights any day. Oh well.....I really need the cardio to get this flab off :oP. I always feel much better when it's done though. :o)

As far as eating goes, I am doing pretty well. I don't cheat throughout the week...but my Free day ALWAYS turns into a free day (Saturday) AND a cheat day (Sunday) **sigh*** :o( . I missed my last HIIT on Sunday and I can't seem to stick it into my schedule to make up for it......groan.

I gotta go....hubby is gone for a bike ride with the little ones......(they LOVE the new bike trailor) and I get some ME time....sooooo I'll take it :oD.

Until I post again......take care,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the comment on my blog.

Just so you know, the lumpectomy will suck, but I'm sure it's all going to be fine.

On a fitness level, I'm the last person who should give advice, but I would recommend going here...http://myblends.com/. They're a fabulous group of people. They used to go to Tracker all the time and that's how I met them. Tracker sucks and is way too stupid for my liking. Although there are still some good nuts left in the bunch.

Also, the cardio is more a mental thing than a physical thing. When you start, remind yourself that it's only 20 minutes...not the grueling 45 to 60 minutes of cardio that every other exercise program recommends. Also, get some good music. Find something that makes you want to shake your butt while you're doing dishes. THAT's the song that will get you through the last minute in HIIT.

I'm still climbing the food mountain and struggling to get to the other side, but I've definitely conquered the exercise stuff and loving it.

If you're looking for super encouraging people to get in contact with, check out the links on my blog. You'll soon see that almost everybody struggles with the same afflictions as you do...and the ones who don't are incredibly supportive and silly to boot.

So, there's my rambling hello. Keep on moving forward and don't kick yourself if you falter...it won't help you. Also, set long, long-term goals like 1 year and just keep doing it. Every day just tell yourself you'll do what you can today. The 12 weeks are great, but it's just not enough time unless you're already at 12% bf and weigh a buck oh five.

8/09/2006 1:45 p.m.  

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